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家庭规则20条以上英语(The Code of Conduct in Our Home)

简单也是美。 2023-08-28 10:26:02 462

摘要:The Code of Conduct in Our Home In every household, certain rules need to be followed for a happy and healthy environment. Here are 20 rules that we follow in

The Code of Conduct in Our Home

In every household, certain rules need to be followed for a happy and healthy environment. Here are 20 rules that we follow in our family to maintain peace and harmony within our home.

Manners and Courtesy

1. Say \"please\" and \"thank you\" when asking for or receiving something. 2. Knock before entering someone's room. 3. Use polite language and refraining from using profanity. 4. Greet each other with a smile and show respect towards the elderly. 5. Help set the table and clean up after meals. 6. Always be considerate of others' feelings and opinions. 7. Do not interrupt when someone is speaking, wait for your turn to speak. 8. Always be honest and admit your mistakes. 9. Avoid shouting or raising your voice during an argument. 10. Keep your promises and follow through on your commitments.

Responsibilities and Accountability

11. Everybody in the family is responsible for keeping the house clean. 12. Keep your things organized and put them back in their place when you're done using them. 13. Make your bed and keep your room neat and tidy. 14. Everyone should contribute to household chores. 15. No electronic devices during meals or study time. 16. Homework and assignments must be completed on time. 17. Do not leave food or dishes in the sink or on the table. 18. Turn off the lights and unplug electrical appliances when not in use. 19. Always lock the main door when leaving the house. 20. Be mindful of the use of water and electricity to conserve resources.

Family Time and Social Interaction

21. Spend quality time together as a family at least twice a week. 22. Family meals should be enjoyed together without any distractions. 23. Encourage each other to pursue hobbies and interests. 24. No negative comments or criticism about anyone's appearance, beliefs, or lifestyle. 25. Attend family events, celebrations, and holidays together. 26. Let each other know where you are if you'll be away from home for an extended period. 27. Be supportive and show empathy towards each other. 28. Have friendly discussions about current events, books, music, and other interests. 29. Practice active listening when someone is talking to you. 30. Show your love and affection towards each other every day.

These are the rules we follow in our family to maintain a peaceful and happy environment. Every family is unique, and your family rules may differ, but these guidelines can help create a loving and nurturing home environment.










家庭规则20条以上英语(The Code of Conduct in Our Home)相关常识

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