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handlebar(Introduction to Handlebars)

jk 2023-08-02 11:05:58 300

摘要:Introduction to Handlebars Handlebars is a popular templating language used for creating dynamic web pages. It provides a simple and intuitive way to gener

Introduction to Handlebars

Handlebars is a popular templating language used for creating dynamic web pages. It provides a simple and intuitive way to generate HTML by combining data and templates. In this article, we will explore the features and usage of Handlebars to create dynamic web pages efficiently.

How Handlebars Works

Template: A template in Handlebars is an HTML markup with embedded placeholders, called expressions, which are replaced with actual data at runtime.
Data: The data in Handlebars can be in the form of JSON objects or arrays that contain properties and values.
Context: The data and the template are combined within a context to generate the final HTML. The context is an object that contains the data and any custom helpers or functions required for rendering the template.

Template Syntax

Handlebars provides a flexible and easy-to-understand syntax to define placeholders and helpers within the template. Let's take a look at the various syntax elements:


Expressions are enclosed within double curly braces {{}}. They can be used to display values, perform simple arithmetic calculations, or execute helper functions. For example:
{{name}} - displays the value of the property \"name\"
{{age}} - displays the value of the property \"age\"
{{price * quantity}} - multiplies the values of \"price\" and \"quantity\"


Handlebars provides conditionals to control the flow of content in the template. The {{#if}} and {{else}} statements can be used to conditionally render blocks of HTML. For example:
{{#if condition}} - renders the block if the condition is true
{{else}} - renders the block if the condition is false


Handlebars offers built-in iteration helpers to loop through arrays or objects in the data. The {{#each}} helper is used to iterate over arrays, while the {{#forEach}} helper can be used to iterate over objects. For example:
{{#each array}} - iterates over each item in the array
{{#forEach object}} - iterates over each property in the object

Integration with JavaScript

Handlebars can be used with any JavaScript framework or library. It can be included in a project by downloading the Handlebars library or by using a package manager like npm or yarn. Once included, Handlebars can be used in the following ways:


Handlebars templates can be precompiled into JavaScript functions to improve performance. The precompiled templates can then be loaded and executed to generate HTML on the client-side. This reduces the amount of processing needed compared to compiling the template on the fly.

Server-Side Rendering

Handlebars can be integrated into server-side frameworks like Node.js, Express.js, or Ruby on Rails to generate dynamic HTML on the server before sending it to the client. This allows for faster loading times and improved SEO by providing pre-rendered content.

Client-Side Rendering

Handlebars can also be utilized for client-side rendering where the templates and data are loaded by the browser and the HTML is generated dynamically on the client-side. This approach is commonly used in single-page applications (SPAs) to update content based on user interactions without reloading the entire page.


Handlebars is a powerful templating language that simplifies the process of generating dynamic HTML. Its intuitive syntax and robust features make it a popular choice for web developers. With its ability to handle data, conditionals, and loops, Handlebars provides a flexible solution for rendering dynamic content on both the server-side and client-side.

Whether you are working on a small static website or a large-scale web application, Handlebars can significantly enhance your development workflow by separating the logic and presentation layers. It is highly recommended to explore Handlebars further and incorporate it into your projects for an efficient and maintainable codebase.










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