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我的幸运数字英语(My Lucky Number - The Number that Brings Me Good Luck)

简单也是美。 2023-08-30 10:03:26 673

摘要:My Lucky Number - The Number that Brings Me Good Luck Introduction Everybody believes in something that brings them good luck. For some, it might be a lucky cha

My Lucky Number - The Number that Brings Me Good Luck


Everybody believes in something that brings them good luck. For some, it might be a lucky charm, for others, it might be a routine that they follow every day. For me, it's my lucky number - the number 7. In this article, I will share how I discovered my lucky number and how it has brought me good fortune.

Discovering my Lucky Number

I first realized that 7 was my lucky number when I was 7 years old. It was a summer evening and my family and I were on a road trip. We had stopped at a diner for dinner and my dad gave me a quarter to put in a gumball machine. I chose the gumball that was in the 7th slot and won a prize! From that moment on, I started seeing the number 7 everywhere. It was on license plates, sports jerseys, and even in my grades. Whenever I saw the number, it brought me a sense of good luck.

How my Lucky Number has Brought me Good Fortune

Over the years, my lucky number has brought me many blessings. When I was in high school, I won a music composition competition with the number 7 in the title. In college, I was randomly assigned a roommate who also loved the number 7, and we became the best of friends. 7 also played a role in my job search after graduation. I applied to 7 companies and received job offers from all of them! Most recently, 7 has brought me luck in my personal life. I met my significant other on the 7th of the month and we were married on the 7th of a different month.


My lucky number has been a constant source of good fortune in my life. I believe that having a positive mindset and a symbol of good luck can manifest good things. The number 7 reminds me to always look for the positive in any situation and to trust that everything will work out for the best. I encourage everyone to find their own lucky number or symbol and see how it can bring positivity into their lives.










我的幸运数字英语(My Lucky Number - The Number that Brings Me Good Luck)相关常识

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