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天主教圣经多少卷(The Canon of the Catholic Bible How Many Books are in the Holy Scriptures)

简单也是美。 2023-08-27 09:59:58 97

摘要:The Canon of the Catholic Bible: How Many Books are in the Holy Scriptures? Since the beginning of Christianity, the Bible has been the cornerstone of faith for

The Canon of the Catholic Bible: How Many Books are in the Holy Scriptures?

Since the beginning of Christianity, the Bible has been the cornerstone of faith for Catholics. It contains the teachings, traditions, and history of the Church, serving as a guide for believers all over the world. However, not many people know how many books are in the Catholic Bible and why. In this article, we will explore the history of the canon and the reasons behind the Catholic Church's choice of books for its Bible.

The Formation of the Canon: How Did It Happen?

Before the establishment of the Christian Church, there was no set of writings that would later become known as the Bible. However, as the faith grew and spread, Christian leaders realized that they needed a collection of works that would provide guidance for believers and help differentiate authentic teachings from false ones. Thus, they began the process of identifying and selecting the books that would form the Bible.

The process of canonization took several centuries and was not completed until the fifth century A.D. There were several factors that influenced which books were included in the canon. First and foremost, they had to be written by an apostle or a close associate of one. They also had to represent orthodox Christian teachings and be widely accepted by the faithful. Finally, they had to be read during the liturgy of the Church, which was the primary way in which most people would have encountered them.

The Catholic Bible: How Many Books Are In It?

The Catholic Bible consists of a total of 73 books - 46 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. This is different from the Bible used by Protestants, which has only 66 books. The reason for this difference lies in the fact that the Old Testament books accepted by Catholics were different from those accepted by Protestants.

The Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, was the most widely used version of the Old Testament in the time of Jesus and the apostles. It contained several books that were not present in the Hebrew Scriptures, including Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, and 1 and 2 Maccabees. These books were widely used in the early Church and were considered part of the canon by many early Christian leaders.

However, when the Protestant Reformation took place in the 16th century, the leaders of the movement rejected the Septuagint and its extra books, choosing instead to follow the Hebrew Scriptures as the basis for their Old Testament. Hence, they removed the seven books mentioned above, along with several portions of the books of Esther and Daniel, from their version of the Bible.

The Importance of the Catholic Bible for Believers

For Catholics, the Bible is an essential tool for spiritual growth and guidance. It is through the pages of Scripture that Catholics can learn about the history of their faith, deepen their understanding of the teachings of Christ, and find answers to their questions and doubts. By studying the Bible and praying with it, they can draw closer to God and discover their purpose in life.

The Catholic Church encourages all believers to read and meditate on the Bible regularly, which is why it places such great importance on the quality and authenticity of the canon. Through the centuries, the Church has carefully guarded the Scriptures, ensuring that they remain true to the traditions and teachings of Christ and his apostles. As such, the Catholic Bible serves as a testament to the faith and wisdom of the Church, and as a reminder of the eternal value of God's word.

In conclusion, the Catholic Bible is a unique and beautiful collection of writings that has stood the test of time. Its contents provide a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for believers, as well as a link to the ancient traditions of the Christian faith. By studying and living according to the Scriptures, Catholics can deepen their relationship with God and find meaning and purpose in their lives.










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