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右溪记翻译及原文(右溪记 一场不可逆的故事)

jk 2023-04-28 14:58:31 744

摘要:右溪记 | 一场不可逆的故事 一、相逢无定期 南方的雨总是特别大。每当下雨的时候,右溪水便会奔腾而来,冲刷着渔船。在这个渔村,每个人都会告诉你一些关于右溪的故事。有人说,它

右溪记 | 一场不可逆的故事




“萤火虫?我很少见到它们。”少年说道,“它们不都只出现在夏天吗?” 中年男子不知该说什么,顶多只能半信半疑地笑一声。“蒂姆”,男子轻轻说着,“你还很年轻,相信你会见到更多的奇妙之物。”两人停在了一个破旧的店门前。仅留下的一块发光的招牌,标记着这个不常常营业的地方。营业的情况好像并不太好。\" 哦,这里啊?\"男子轻轻地把门拉开,接着努力把几箱子货物举了起来,带着少年们走进店铺。他将他们放在一块桌子上,试图吸引这个孩子的注意力。“这一个是我从海外带回来的。北极的鳕鱼和河里——”他用手指了一下窗外,“——游来游去的小鱼。”













Right Creek Chronicles | One Irreversible Story

I. No fixed meeting#

The rain in the south is always particularly heavy. When it rains, the Yousi River rushes over and washes away the fishing boats. In this fishing village, everyone will tell you some stories about Yousi. Some people say that it is a spiritual living body, which can penetrate into people's hearts. Others say that it is the darkest thing in that river, as everyone knows, people seem to be afraid of it, even the bravest fishermen are no exception.

People always hope to get more, but Yousi has completely twisted people's minds. The river water devours every house and every boat in this small village. But people have never been able to imagine that after all the Yousi water recedes, it has such a pure beauty. Under the misty sky, a youthful boy and a dull middle-aged man walked on the empty streets of the village.

\"Did you see the fireflies? I rarely see them.\" The boy said, \"Aren’t they only appearing in summer?\" The middle-aged man didn't know what to say, he could only smile half-heartedly. \"Tim,\" the man said softly, \"You are still young, I believe you will see more wonderful things.\" The two stopped in front of a run-down store. Only one glowing sign was left, marking this rarely opened place. Business seems to be not very good. \"Oh, here?\" The man gently opened the door and then tried to lift several boxes of goods, leading the boys into the store. He put them on a table and tried to attract the child's attention. \"This one was brought back from overseas by myself. The cod from the Arctic and the little fish swimming in the river outside-\" he pointed to the window outside, \"-.\"

\"Tim noticed the man's chronic scars on his arm. He was lost in thought, and he could never get rid of his thinking. He clearly knew that the firefly he just saw was just something he happened to encounter on his way to the village, or the growth that the child of that age always pursued. What is the man looking for?\"

II. Pursue the Brightness

\"Why did you come here?\" The man asked, \"Where are your parents?\" Tim became silent and just shook his head after thinking about it. He had nothing to say. Then he asked, \"Are you going somewhere?\" The boy nodded slightly. There is no place he wants to go, just that the scenery and breath here are becoming clearer in his mind.

\"Maybe this little village is the place you're waiting for,\" the man said, while he turned out a journal from the table. He casually flicked through the pages with his finger, and then stopped at the last page.

\"The boy named Leo was born here, and he also left the world here. His father lived here for a long time and passed away here too. He left two children, and they are waiting for people to return to this village. Do you like this place?\"

Tim nodded heavily. He felt an unprecedented feeling, drowning his soul. This is a feeling that he has never had in any of the small villages he was in. He decided to stay, the significance of this place has been too obvious.

III. Rarity of Bosom Friends

The first time, he recruited a sick sage when he was chatting with the man. However, 70-year-old Bob just gave a humble smile. He didn't tell Tim that he has spent 60 years in this village, nor did he tell him that his companion—the man—had found him a long time ago. When Bob saw that Tim had been silent for a while, he explained, \"The place is living beautifully, but unfortunately, people come and go. Beautiful places are easy to forget.\"

\"What is the name of this person?\" Tim finally asked. \"Foller, Foller Gao Fu.\" Bob replied with a slow and beautiful accent. He smiled, somewhat trance-like and melancholy.

Only when two close souls deeply communicated, can this small village reveal its truest side. Even so, people still cannot fully see all of it. It seems to have another realm, and the transparency it shows is different in each person's eyes.

Tim found some comforting bosom friends here, they can bring sparks of hope, faith, and the best things that have not yet appeared to his life.









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